Friday, July 23, 2010

Framing complete!!

Framing complete. Have started installation of flashing and fascia. Roof sheets have been delivered to site. Upstairs front bedroom - sliding door removed from site as wrong size.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Second storey

Very exciting to see the second storey walls up and windows in! Initial hold ups with second storey as wrong steel was delivered twice. Unfortunately bathroom window has been broken. Roof trusses due to be installed early next week. Inside plumbing can commence too.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ground floor progressing well :)

We visited the block today and were glad to see ground floor windows, joists, upstairs safety railing, sliding doors and a front steel support beam in! All upstairs windows are waiting on site.

Front door (side windows in): Back alfresco area (sliding windows in):

Front living room windows in (on right):

Friday, July 2, 2010

Framing start

The framing started yesterday. They mapped out where all the rooms go on our slab...
... And then got most of downstairs done today!
Hallway on left and living room on right :)